© Eric Christian Turpin 2006 - 2023

About Me

I have been teaching English as a foreign language for more than 25 years now. I started my career in Junior High school, and I joined the High school I currently work at in 2018. I teach a Literature, civilization and culture class for year-12 students. I am also in charge of the English course for a TSI CPGE class. CPGE consists of highly selective , two-year classes to prepare for the competitive entrance exams to the Grandes Ecoles , which are the highest ranking engineering schools in France. Before joining the TSI CPGE, I taught English in Lislet Geoffroy High school’s PTSI- PT CPGE class from 2019 until 2022. --------------------------------------- J’enseigne l’anglais depuis plus de 25 ans. J’ai commencé ma carrière en collège, et en 2018 j’ai rejoint le lycée où j’enseigne actuellement. J’enseigne en LLCER anglais en Terminale. Je suis aussi responsable du cours d’anglais en CPGE TSI. Avant de rejoindre la CPGE TSI, j’aui enseigné trois ans en CPGE PTSI- PT au lycée Lislet Geoffroy. Je suis aussi responsable du cours d’anglais en CPGE TSI. contact : click HERE.
from irregular verbs to regular English
Irregular Stuff

About Me

I have been teaching English as a foreign language for more than 25 years now. I started my career in Junior High school, and I joined the High school I currently work at in 2018. I teach a Literature, civilization and culture class for year-12 students. I am also in charge of the English course for a TSI CPGE class. CPGE consists of highly selective , two-year classes to prepare for the competitive entrance exams to the Grandes Ecoles , which are the highest ranking engineering schools in France. Before joining the TSI CPGE, I taught English in Lislet Geoffroy High school’s PTSI- PT CPGE class from 2019 until 2022. --------------------------------------- J’enseigne l’anglais depuis plus de 25 ans. J’ai commencé ma carrière en collège, et en 2018 j’ai rejoint le lycée où j’enseigne actuellement. J’enseigne en LLCER anglais en Terminale. Je suis aussi responsable du cours d’anglais en CPGE TSI. Avant de rejoindre la CPGE TSI, j’aui enseigné trois ans en CPGE PTSI- PT au lycée Lislet Geoffroy. Je suis aussi responsable du cours d’anglais en CPGE TSI. contact : click HERE.

John Gaddesden

Job Position

Incididunt aliqua ex, aliquip, ea aliqua ullamco sunt. Eiusmod ut, magna minim anim deserunt exercitation dolor, et, do in culpa, sint culpa duis aute amet. Id quis laboris cillum ut commodo in proident adipisicing dolor aute. Nulla ipsum aliqua ut dolor cillum? Sit sint, est dolore. Est nisi proident reprehenderit tempor ut dolore proident nisi sit ut adipisicing cillum sed tempor aliqua commodo irure.

Mark Xara

Job Position

Magna dolore esse ad sint magna consectetur, excepteur elit et. Reprehenderit adipisicing ut non est. Elit aute dolor minim ut, ipsum adipisicing dolore nulla eiusmod duis, anim nisi ad et voluptate irure. Dolor, lorem aliquip exercitation mollit fugiat dolore laboris cupidatat amet, deserunt magna enim nulla occaecat lorem sit. Velit, in non occaecat dolore pariatur occaecat, ut excepteur mollit, duis tempor sed, incididunt culpa duis eu.

Jane Smith

Job Position

Reprehenderit, culpa commodo aliquip ex reprehenderit dolore eu nisi. Quis tempor duis non reprehenderit. Culpa aliquip sed in consectetur. Nisi, quis voluptate exercitation nostrud reprehenderit commodo id et ad pariatur magna ut, eu amet. Proident dolor ullamco, id consectetur velit ut officia, deserunt aliquip ut officia.
from irregular verbs to regular English © Eric Christian Turpin 2006 - 2022 © Eric Christian Turpin 2006 - 2023
Irregular Stuff

About Me

I have been teaching English as a foreign language for more than 25 years now. I started my career in Junior High school, and I joined the High school I currently work at in 2018. I teach a Literature, civilization and culture class for year-12 students. I am also in charge of the English course for a TSI CPGE class. CPGE consists of highly selective , two-year classes to prepare for the competitive entrance exams to the Grandes Ecoles , which are the highest ranking engineering schools in France. Before joining the TSI CPGE, I taught English in Lislet Geoffroy High school’s PTSI- PT CPGE class from 2019 until 2022. --------------------------------------- J’enseigne l’anglais depuis plus de 25 ans. J’ai commencé ma carrière en collège, et en 2018 j’ai rejoint le lycée où j’enseigne actuellement. J’enseigne en LLCER anglais en Terminale. Je suis aussi responsable du cours d’anglais en CPGE TSI. Avant de rejoindre la CPGE TSI, j’aui enseigné trois ans en CPGE PTSI- PT au lycée Lislet Geoffroy. Je suis aussi responsable du cours d’anglais en CPGE TSI. contact : click HERE.
from irregular verbs to regular English